As a student of ethics and public policy you are encouraged to make use of the advising services available to you while at Iowa. Ethics and Public Policy students who are interested in attending law school are encouraged to add a “pre-law” designation so that they are assigned a pre-law advisor who can assist them as they prepare for law school. Students can learn more about pre-law planning and contact the Academic Advising Center to declare this interest and connect with a pre-law advisor as early in their course of study as possible.

Advising for first-year students

First-year students and those with less than 30 s.h. earned are advised at the Academic Advising Center. The Center’s team of advisors specializes in transitioning students to academic and student life at Iowa. Working with an assigned caseload, the advisors help each student plan for a successful academic start at Iowa.

Advising during sophomore through senior years

Ben Landsee serves as the professional academic advisor for ethics and public policy students who have earned at least 30 s.h.  He is available to assist students with the following:

  • Advisor signatures on add/drop and other university forms
  • Questions about course registration
  • Questions or problems with your degree audit
  • Academic probation
  • Review of study abroad courses for major credit
  • Opportunities for Honors students
  • Discussions regarding adding second majors, minors, and certificate programs
  • Information regarding campus resources for students
  • Other questions or concerns you may have

While students may continue to see Ben Landsee for routine advising functions, your faculty advisor is available to:

  • Provide disciplinary guidance for research projects
  • Serve as a mentor for honors theses and projects
  • Discuss your graduate and professional school aspirations
  • Supervise off-site student internships

We encourage you to allow your advisor the opportunity to get to know you well enough that he or she can provide expert advice tailored to your individual interests.

How to contact your advisor

For quick questions, please email Ignacio Alverez. For adding and dropping courses and other immediate issues, please stop by Ignacio's office.

Ignacio Alverez
Senior Academic Advisor
114 Macbride Hall (MH)

MyUI Appointment Scheduler

To meet with your faculty advisor please contact him/her directly. The current ethics and public policy faculty advisors are:

Hennadige Thenuwara
Department of Economics  

Richard Fumerton
Department of Philosophy

Michael Lovaglia
Department of Sociology 

Nicholas Martini
Department of Political Science