Hennadige Thenuwara, Ph.D.
Dr Hennadige N Thenuwara is a lecturer attached to the Economics Department of the University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242. He was the Assistant Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka prior to joining the University of Iowa. He also held the position of Director of Economic Research at the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Iowa, USA, M.A. from the University of Manchester, UK, M.Sc. from the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka and B.Sc. from the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
Selected Publications
- Thenuwara, H. N. (2019). Managing Macroeconomy while Investing in Reconstruction in Post-Conflict Sri Lanka. In Weerakoon, D. & Jayasuriya, S. (Eds.) Managing Domestic and International Challenges and Opportunities in Post-Conflict Development. pp. 51-70. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
- Thenuwara, H. N. (2013). Force and Field Factors of Growth and Development. Sri Lanka Journal of Advance Social Studies 2 (2) 43-56.
- Thenuwara, H. N. (2011). Winners and Losers of Services Liberalization. South Asian Economic Journal 12 (2) 307-322.
- Thenuwara, H. N. (2010). Money, Inflation and Output. GPRC Publications.
- Thenuwara, H. N. (2007). Communication Policy of Central Banks. (Vols. 36). (1 & 2) Staff Studies, Central Bank of Sri Lanka.
- Thenuwara, H. N. (2006). A Strategy to Evaluatge Preferential Trading Arrangements. Proceedings of Sri Lanka Economic Association Annual Sessions.
- Thenuwara, H. N. (2004). Globalization and Sri Lanka: The Economic Impact, 2002/03. Sri Lanka Journal of Social Sciences 25 & 26 (1 & 2).
- Thenuwara, H. N. (2003). A Policy Rule for the Liberalization of Agriculture in Sri Lanka, 2003. (Vols. 33). Staff StudiesCentral Bank of Sri Lanka.
- Thenuwara, H. N. (2003). Challenges and Prospects of Liberealizing the Services Sector in Sri Lanka. (Vols. 21). (3 & 4) Business Lanka.
- Thenuwara, H. N. (2003). The Impact of the MODE 4 Liberalization of Services on Economic Growth, and Policy Options. (Vols. 34). (1 & 2) Staff Studies, Central Bank of Sri Lanka.